Friday, 20 April 2012

Apollo Bay

Well here we are at Apollo Bay one step into Bass Straight. We left Port Fairy at 8am Thursday 19th, motor sailing, 90nm to Apollo we avarage about 4kns an hour = 22hrs , wind 7knts, sea  conditions calm, it was very enjoyable untill it turned dark and that was about 7pm and the fog set in makeing it hard to see,
and there were lights flashing in the distant on the coast, it was all very eerie, I realy think we were seeing things that weren't there.At one stage there were 7 ships detected on the AIS. After midnight it cleared a bit and we could see the stars.
We arrived at Apollo Bay about 5am it was still dark so we floated no far from the marina entrance untill we could see, as we were told it was not easy to entrer the marina due to the swell that runs through the entrance and half of it has a sand bar.7am Friday morning we were safely tied to the warf.
In Port Fairy we met up with 2 other boats going in the same direction as us, allso coming from Adelaide.
They left Port Fairy at 5.30am Thursday arrived in Apollo Bay that evening at about 5pm. As you can see they are much faster boats than us. It is good to chat with them as Patrick has done this trip 5 times.
Apollo Bay is full of activity this weekend as there is a music festival, the street is closed to trafic and there are stalls and buskers, allso a big marquee where all the bands play. This is a yearly event.

Apollo Bay marina
The 3 boats
The marquee

The street

One of the buskers

An Irish group

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Port Fairy

We are now at Port Fairy, we left Portland 6.30am Saturday, wind 13kns northeast, 1mt sea, doing 5-6 knotts.
John caught 3 barracoutas, put the line away, as we are told they are not nice eating fish, ok to smoke.
We had a good sail most of the way, arrived at 1.30pm.

John with his barraouta

Port Fairy Marina

Port Fairy Light House
Good walking track

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Hello all, we spent 6 days in the Robe  marina waiting for the weather to improve.
John's sister lives in Robe so lucky us we got all our washing done, i know there is a laundermat there, this was much easier. We all so had a suprise visit from my sister Barbara and her husband.
We  departed Wednesday 11th at 8am for Portland. The sea was 1mt with a 2mt swell, and we were going into it, the wind was light and on the nose.Motor running. Our second overnight was anything but easy.
John was putting sails up and away most of the night, as the wind kept changing direction, and the sea didn't play the game either. On top of that we had to keep on eye on ships coming towards, and behind us. Thank goodness for the AIS. And of course the fishermen were out with longlines, trawlers, and craypots.
I did manage to get a cat nap for half an hour or so. John didn,t, no amount of offering to watch, would make him leave his post.
When the sun came up, every this seemed calmer, and it was easier to see ships, fishermen and craypots.
When we turned more east we did manage to sail for 12nm with out the motor.
We arrived at Portland at about 2pm Thursday, and anchored in the harbour.
We are resting now, and will go into town tomorrow.

My new canoe, in the Robe Marina

Sammy the resident seal- Robe Marina
ship passing in day light

John studding mooreings at Portland

Portland Habour

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Well here we are at Robe Marina, before planned. Tuesday we left America River with the intention of staying in Antichamber Bay, we had such a good sail down the east coast of Kangaroo Island ,wind 15knt, sea 2mts,so we decided to carry on.
When we got clear of the Island the wind dropped off to 8knts, the sea 1mt and 4 to 5mt swell, when you dropped to the bottom of the swell there was no wind, so the motor had to go on.
We left KI at 7.30am Tuesday and arrived at Robe Wednesday at 1.30pm. We covered 134n miles and had no sleep.

Sunset after leaving Kangaroo Island

Robe Marina

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Take Two

Left North Haven 7.30am 29/3/12 motoring no wind. Arrived at Rapid Bay 5pm.
Had a very pleasant night. Left Friday morning 8am arrived at American River KI at 1.45 and picked up a swing mooreing. Saturday moved to the warf to have the HF radio worked on. Monday I got a lift with Carrol to Kingscote to get a few supplies, in preperation to sail to Antechamber Bay, being the last stop befor heading off to Robe.

Leaving North Haven (By the way this is what the sea looked like most of the way.

Dolphins put on a good display.