Thursday, 12 April 2012


Hello all, we spent 6 days in the Robe  marina waiting for the weather to improve.
John's sister lives in Robe so lucky us we got all our washing done, i know there is a laundermat there, this was much easier. We all so had a suprise visit from my sister Barbara and her husband.
We  departed Wednesday 11th at 8am for Portland. The sea was 1mt with a 2mt swell, and we were going into it, the wind was light and on the nose.Motor running. Our second overnight was anything but easy.
John was putting sails up and away most of the night, as the wind kept changing direction, and the sea didn't play the game either. On top of that we had to keep on eye on ships coming towards, and behind us. Thank goodness for the AIS. And of course the fishermen were out with longlines, trawlers, and craypots.
I did manage to get a cat nap for half an hour or so. John didn,t, no amount of offering to watch, would make him leave his post.
When the sun came up, every this seemed calmer, and it was easier to see ships, fishermen and craypots.
When we turned more east we did manage to sail for 12nm with out the motor.
We arrived at Portland at about 2pm Thursday, and anchored in the harbour.
We are resting now, and will go into town tomorrow.

My new canoe, in the Robe Marina

Sammy the resident seal- Robe Marina
ship passing in day light

John studding mooreings at Portland

Portland Habour

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